
Liban's Landscaping

Call us for a FREE estimate!

(414) 406-7619

Serving Waukesha, Washington, Milwaukee, & Ozaukee Counties

Up and Autumn!

Yep, another summer is just about in the books and your yard is, well—let’s just say it was also on vacation. That’s okay. Fall is the perfect time of year to get a nice little makeover with Liban’s landscaping in Milwaukee!

It’s all about dropping temperatures and increased rainfall—perfect for avoiding damage and generating good, natural growth. Hey, when you enjoy more bearable weather—so do your plants!

Whatever you want to plant or maintain—grass, trees, shrubs—they’re going to appreciate your timing. Take it from us, as some of our best work comes during the months of August, September and October.

Call (414) 406-7619 to time your yard right!

Take My Lawn Out to the Ballgame

When I was a kid, I always admired County Stadium and Miller Park for their freshly mowed stripes. The grounds crew transformed seemingly regular grass into a design—not much unlike the parquet floors of old Boston Garden.

I tried to replicate that aesthetic when dad had me mow the lawn. It looked okay, but never came close to the professionalism of that grounds crew. It wasn’t until I left for college that dad hired a landscaping service and our lawn finally reached the level of artistry I had always aimed to recreate…

Not having to mow the lawn anymore felt pretty good, too.

Call (414) 406-7619 to transform your lawn into a work of art.

Lawn Maintenace Service – so you can enjoy your summer!

Summer is great for getting out of the house—often for extended periods of time. Well, that’s where we come in. If you’re due for a lengthy vacation, don’t worry about returning to a mythical forest of tall grass.

And more than that, consistent lawn maintenance is important if you aim to have a healthy, aesthetic lawn. Mowing can actually promote healthier turf that better resists Mother Nature’s quiver of hazardous elements.

Give Liban’s Landscaping a call to start your healthy lawn routine today! (414) 406-7619.

Pins and Needle Blight

For those of you who are unfamiliar, Needle Blight is a non-parasitic disease that is often caused by drought, winter injury, sunscald and root rot in spruces, pines and a variety of comparable trees.

So what can you do about it? Call Liban’s Landscaping, 414-406-7619.

Control and prevention are key to the health of your trees, and a comprehensive spray program will eventually encourage new, undamaged needles and branch tips to replace the diseased ones.

Schedule a free consultation today!

Now is the time to spray for apple scab!

Many crabapples are susceptible to a fungal disease called apple scab. Leaves are infected in the late spring—March and into April—but symptoms won’t show up until later on in the spring, when it’s too late to head the disease off! While we’ve had a wet spring thus far, it hasn’t been too warm, which is the ideal environment for the disease to grow and spread.

When the tree has produced about a half-inch of leaf growth, in March and April, you know it’s time to start applying the fungicide. You can find fungicide particular to apple scab at any hardware or garden store, and simply follow the label. Applying the treatment every 1 ½ to 2 weeks will help stave off serious infections, but keep in mind that fungicide treatment will not eliminate the disease altogether.

Call Liban’s Landscaping for more information.

What’s the difference between seeding and sodding?

This is an important landscaping question for both residential and commercial property owners, when they want the best looking lawn at a price they can afford! Sodding is essentially transplanting a mature turf that has been cared for by a professional. Seeding involves the same process used in the establishment of sod and can be accomplished by a professional or the homeowner, although the number of challenges present with seeding can make the entire process frustrating for a homeowner to try alone.

Which do you need: seeding or sodding?

Seeding is nice because it gives you move grass types and varieties to choose from, as well as offering a stronger root system and ultimately a less expensive alternative to a strong, healthy lawn than sodding. Unfortunately, the initial establishment is long. Moisture is critical, which makes it difficult to maintain in the late summer and early fall when results are best but rainfall is light.

Sodding can offer rapid establishment and relatively few weeds right from the beginning. This is an excellent choice for slopes and areas prone to erosion, and establishment is not limited to just the late summer and early fall; any time during the growing season is a good time for sodding. The drawbacks to sodding are the price and the smaller selection of grasses.

If you have doubts or questions, always consult a professional before starting any work. They deal with these issues on a daily basis and could offer insight that could help you in seasons to come!

When it comes to design and management in landscape, Milwaukee turns to Liban’s Landscape at (414) 406-7619. Call us to schedule your next consultation.

Early spring chores: what you can do to prep for landscaping.

As the snows melt and the birds start to sing, you might start getting a little antsy in your house. The ground may be too frozen to start planting anything, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start working on things around your yard!

Here’s a list of some things you can start working on before landscaping and planting becomes your priority. These are “grunt work” chores—chores you won’t want to do later when the weather gets nicer!

  • Clean all your tools, hoses and accessories and make sure they are in top condition for the season. Repair or replenish anything that needs further assistance.
  • Take inventory of your stock of fertilizer, potting soil, weed killer, seed library, etc., so you can plan out your next stop at the store.
  • Get all your pots together and take inventory. Also, clean them! Your spring will look fresher with freshly-scrubbed pots gracing your lawn!
  • Repairing stone walls – Winter winds and storms can knock your dry-stacked or otherwise-prepped walls around your yard. This is the time to repair them as needed, either by patching holes or restacking the wall.
  • Fixing stepping stones
  • Correct tunnels and holes made by rodents and other pests over the winter.
  • Prune your trees, shrubs, perennials and ornamental grasses
  • Touch up on mulch and dirt, where holes are visible.
  • Clean out birdhouses.

Call us for your next big project, or if you need assistance with any of your landscaping needs!

Don’t forget to plant your flowering trees now!

Flowering trees and shrubs are the most breathtaking in the spring, for obvious reasons!

When you’re looking to add a temporary, vibrant flash of color and beauty to your lawn, consider the following criteria while shopping:

  • Cold hardiness – Really, this is important considering the harshness of our winters. Take care to read up on the plants you like, and don’t invest in something that’s only good during the summer.
  • Cleanup requirements, including disease-resistance – Some foliage will change color and shed its petals once or twice a year, like the dogwood. Do you like berries? Some will shed berries all summer, which could spell disaster for your carpets indoors should someone track the dyes inside! Also, keep in mind how susceptible your shrub or tree is with certain diseases in your area. Will you need to treat it often, and how?
  • Color and branch patterns – The obvious characteristic you’ll look at (really, the first one you’ll consider as you leaf through a catalog), is the ideal color you’re striving for. Do you want something that will change once in spring and be done, or maybe do you want a plant that will continuously change colors throughout the season?

These are just a few things to consider when investing in your first flowering tree or shrub. Analyzing your yard, weather and personal preferences will help you decipher between a crabapple and an Easter Redbud, pussywillows and magnolia trees.

With all these considerations, we can help narrow down the choices to find a plant that fits your yard, your home and your family.